For those who have been to Rome and are looking to explore further. These tours include sights such as the Baths of Diocletian, the Stadium of Domitian, the Capitoline Museums, and themed tours following a particular artist or topic of interest. We can even prepare a special tour just for you!
The buoyant spirit of the Baroque still animates the Eternal city despite the many sacks, disasters and upheavals that have taken place since that glorious age. This tour can start with the Galleria Borghese, where, thanks to a gifted artist and a visionary patron, the Baroque was born. Then it traces the great flowering of both active and contemplative artistic design that marked this dynamic era. Bernini and Borromini, facing off on the Quirinal Hill, are but one example of the drama that permeated the urban scene, the spirituality and the art of this age.

Nestled in the chapels of various churches around Rome, many of Caravaggio's masterpieces are overlooked as individual attractions. In this walking tour, you will make the pilgrimage to see works such as the Calling of St. Matthew, the Madonna di Loreto, and St. Paul's Conversion on the Road to Damascus. In these pieces, Caravaggio brilliantly demonstrates the drama of reality through his masterful use of light. Witness for yourself how these works provoke action within the objects of the paintings as well as the viewer.
The oldest public museum in the world, the Capitoline Museums are home to an incredible amount of history. Witness the iconic Lupa Capitolina, which, from antiquity, has been the symbol and calling card of Rome, or the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, emphasizing divine power of Roman emperors. Within the Capitoline Museums lies the motivations, interests, and cultural norms of the Ancient Romans. On this tour, you will explore the foundation of Rome as an empire built upon the idea of birthright and supremacy.
You can supplement this tour with a tour of the Roman Forum, located right next to the Capitoline Museums!

The Ancient Romans were nothing if not showoffs. From their tradition of 'Triumphs' – giant parades to demonstrate the grandeur of their foreign conquests – to their insistence that everything be covered in marble, the Romans made sure to always put on show their supremacy and wealth. Luckily for us, we can still witness this grandeur in our own day, understanding the beauty of Roman architecture and design. In this tour, start at the Ara Pacis and move to see the Palazzo Altemps and the Pantheon. See for yourself the beauty which adorned Ancient Rome.
There is no shortage of 'splendors of antiquity' in Rome, so if you have particular requests, be sure to let us know!
Paved over to make room for Piazza Navona, the Stadium of Domitian operated for years as a circus for athletic games and even, for a few years, gladiatorial battles. In general, it was a place where the ancient Romans could come and hang out with each other, exchanging ideas, soliciting unsavory services, and cheering on their favorite athletes. Underneath Piazza Navona, within the excavated remnants of the Stadium, you have a unique glimpse into the operation of everyday Roman society. Come along into the UNESCO World Heritage Site and witness, for yourself how you would live had you been born around 80 AD!

The relationship among art, faith, and science in antiquity offers an intriguing glimpse into the ancient Roman mind. How did the Romans perceive scientific discovery in relationship to their belief in the polytheistic gods? Moving forward in history, the Christian belief in an ordered universe adds another vital dimension to the creative tension between faith and science. On this tour, we will start at the Palazzo Spada, move to the Chiesa Nuova, the Pantheon, and finish at Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
Walking around the city of Rome, visitors can be overwhelmed by the hundreds of ancient Roman monuments, each of which is beautiful in its own right but which can appear disconnected from the rest. This tour will explain how this vast complex worked as a whole, placing individual realities in the context of an expanding empire with its impact on day-to-day life for its citizens. In this tour, visit the Baths of Diocletian, the Palazzo Massimo, and others, in order to gain this new perspective.

Walking around Rome for a day, you may notice the impressive number of obelisks present. Almost every piazza, it seems, is host to an obelisk, many of which were brought from Egypt. On this tour, understand the importance of obelisks to the ancient Romans and, later, the Christian Romans, and why these obelisks are so omnipresent. Your guide will walk with you through the streets of Rome, explaining the different obelisks that have made the greatest impact on Roman culture throughout the years.